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Topicals for Every Body

From head to toe, Proof has something for every body. Get rapid, deep pain relief with Proof Ice Hot Balm and Roll-On. Instant pain relief is now available in non-mentholated Deep Calm Roll-On. Brighten and hydrate your skin with Proof Face Serum.

Potent and effective

Vegan and organic ingredients

Rigorous testing, pesticide & paraben free

Ice Hot Roll-On

Instant Pain Relief

- 1,000 mg THC + 1,000 mg CBD

- Cooling & warming essential oils

- With healing arnica & copaiba

- No-mess applicator

NEW! Cannabis Lube

Proof's oil-based, all-natural Cannabis Lube is carefully formulated for internal use to enhance pleasure and intimacy, and relieve daily symptoms related to women's health and menopause.

Cannabis applied topically can help increase blood flow and regulate the barrier, which can improve sexual experiences and help nourish the vagina and rectum. The lube can also be used as a daily vaginal serum to help with symptoms of menopause like vaginal atrophy, or for other forms of vaginal or pelvic floor pain.

This oil based lubricant is not compatible with latex!

300mg CBD + 300mg THC per bottle

Deep Calm Roll-On

Non-Mentholated Deep Relief

- 1,000 mg THC + 1,000 mg CBD

- Pain relief without smelling medicinal

- With healing arnica & copaiba

- No-mess applicator

Ice Hot Balm

Pain Relief Where You Need It Most

- 1,000 mg THC + 1,000 mg CBD

- Cooling & warming essential oils

- With healing arnica & copaiba

- Only vegan cannabis balm in CA!

Face Serum

New look, same award winning serum

- 100 mg THC + 100 mg CBD

- Age defying antioxidants

- Anti-inflammatory ingredients

- Excellent beard oil!