Capsules — PROOF

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Capsules are a reliable, effective, and precise way to enjoy cannabis. Proof capsules are available in a variety of potency ratios for every type of consumer. Proof capsules are vegan (no gelatin or animal products), sugar free, gluten free, and cruelty free.

- Available in a variety of potency ratios, with sleep and energize formulas.

- Precise, reliable dosing!

CBD Only Capsules

- 33 mg CBD + 0 mg THC per capsule

- 1000 mg CBD + 0 mg THC per bottle

20:1 High CBD Capsules

- 10 mg CBD + 0.5 mg THC per capsule

- 300 mg CBD + 15 mg THC per bottle

1:1 Balanced Capsules

- 10 mg CBD + 10 mg THC per capsule

- 300 mg CBD + 300 mg THC per bottle

CBG Elixir Capsules

- 5 mg CBG + 5 mg THC + 5mg CBD per capsule

- 125 mg CBG + 125 mg THC + 125 mg CBD per bottle

CBN Sleepy Capsules

- 5 mg CBN + 5 mg THC per capsule

- 150 mg CBN + 150 mg THC per bottle

High THC Capsules

- 33 mg THC per capsule

- 1,000 mg THC per bottle

Bazillion Capsules

- 33 mg CBD + 33 mg THC per capsule

- 1000 mg CBD + 1000 mg THC per bottle

Tsunami Capsules

- 100 mg THC per capsule

- 1,000 mg THC per package