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RSO Full Spectrum Oil

RSO - Full spectrum oil

Rub it. Eat it. Smoke it.

Vegan, Gluten Free, Sugar Free, and Cruelty Free

Ingredients: pure full spectrum cannabis oil



- Naturally high CBD full spectrum oil

- Strain specific

- Potency varies with each batch

Indica RSO

- Naturally high potency

- Strain specific

- Potency varies with each batch

Proof's Full Spectrum Cannabis Oil captures the benefits of cannabis oil in its simplest form. AKA RSO, popularized by cannabis pioneer Rick Simpson, this unrefined, ethanol-derived extract contains the naturally occurring terpenes, flavonoids, and other components of the whole plant. Full spectrum cannabis oil can be consumed directly, smoked, applied topically, or added to food as a daily supplement.

  • Indica

  • Sativa

  • High CBD

  • 1:1 THC + CBD

Administration is easy with our calibrated 1 gram applicator.

  • Strain Specific

  • Potency varies per batch


Sativa RSO

- Naturally high potency

- Strain specific

- Potency varies with each batch

1:1 Balanced RSO

- Equal parts CBD + THC

- Strain specific

- Potency varies with each batch