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Pain Relief Topicals

Proof Topicals for Every Body

Whether you have aches and pains after a long run or you are suffering with chronic back pain or arthritis, Proof topicals provide maximum strength relief. Topicals are great for targeted skin, tissue, and muscle relief without a “high”. Applied topically, THC does not effectively reach your brain and affect cognition. Proof topicals are good for all skin types and have all natural ingredients.

Vegan & Cruelty Free

Pesticide & Paraben Free

Reliable & Effective

Ice Hot Roll-On

Instant Deep Pain Relief

Ice Hot Roll-on has maximum strength THC to deeply soothe, CBD to target inflammation, arnica and copaiba to provide deep healing, mentholated ice to numb aches, and warming essential oils to ease pain. Easy-to-use roller top massages in oil and keeps hands clean.

Roll-on topically into aches or pains as needed

1,000 mg THC + 1,000 mg CBD per package

Ice Hot Balm

Rapid Pain Relief Where You Need It Most

Ice Hot Balm combines maximum potency THC and CBD with the healing power of arnica and copaiba, soothing essential oils, and cooling menthol for deep, fast pain relief. Made with all natural ingredients, this vegan balm helps with inflammation and is great for all skin types.

Massage balm topically into aches or pains as needed

1,000 mg THC + 1,000 mg CBD per package

All Natural, Effective Ingredients