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CBN Sleepy Drops

CBN - SleepY drops

Proof’s award-winning sleepy drops will help you fall asleep and wake up feeling refreshed. Try adding to your night cap or sleepy time tea! Effects may take 60-90 minutes - just enough time to get cozy for bed and enjoy a good book! For faster acting results, try the CBN drops under your tongue.

May help with:

  • Sleeping through the night

  • Waking up rested and refreshed

Potency details:

  • 5 mg CBN + 5 mg THC per dose (0.5 ml, half dropper)

  • 150 mg CBN + 150 mg THC per bottle

Sleepy formula is also available in capsules.

Vegan, Gluten Free, Sugar Free, and Cruelty Free

Ingredients: medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) coconut oil, cannabis oil.